【Creativity Zen Espresso | 創意心法】

Saturday, January 01, 2005


昨晚是國曆新年跨年之夜,桃園楊梅的氣溫很冷,晚上伴隨著妻子、同事們飽餐了一頓火鍋之後,感覺到後腦勺有些疼痛,就先去睡了一會兒,然後才在夢中醒來……醒來後仍舊記得,在入睡之前,提醒自己在睡著之前一邊可以想想今天要寫的主題。在夢中,我夢到了自己用鉛筆嘗試著在紙上寫下標題「選一則明確的主題」。就在此時我便醒來了,因為在夢中,想起了平常在寫文章時,都是坐在造型靈巧的iMac G4前面完成的。










Friday, December 31, 2004

Creativity Presents Itself

It’s the New Year eve tonight, quite freezing out here in Yangmei, Taoyuan. I had a big meal of hot pot with my wife and my colleagues. After the dinner, I started feeling dizzy, so I went to sleep for a short while, and then I woke up from my dream…I remembered, prior to when I went to bed, I told myself to aware something comes up to be my topic today. I dreamed myself using a pencil and trying to write down the topic on a piece of paper, with the title of the topic, “Picking A Right Topic.” I woke up immediately, since I noticed that I’ve been doing the blog in front of my lovely iMac G4.

I turned on my lamp-style iMac and started writing, I put the title to be “Picking A Right Topic” without thinking. However, I remembered in my dream, I changed it from “Free From ‘Struggling,’ Part IV.” I’ve already forgotten what I thought during the sleep. OK, now I have two topics in front of me. What do I do now? I found myself stocking in this hesitation. I told myself that I am experiencing a contradiction of picking a right topic, but I still need work even harder to keep my pace moving, and I know that, eventually, the title will appear by itself…

I decided to go through the same process as I addressed in the “Free From ‘Struggling,’ Part III,” which I realized that I was enjoying of writing it out so that to share my experience. While not stocked from choosing the right topic above, I kept moving on, and wish I could find out the pattern from all the thread I wrote down. Afterwards, I had an outline of my thinking. I recognized that it is the so-called “brainstorming” which I learned its name in my English writing course, as well as my design class. Now I would like to define “brainstorming” as “taking notes of the things flashing the brain.”

While I was digging out my outline, a little flashing thought came to me. It is something about writing in English versus in Chinese. I remembered that I would talk about it some other day. It is about the culture differences of the East and the West. Now, I just recognized that it would not be today’s topic, since it is another issue to amplify. So, just cut it out!

Yet, I would like to fill in more on the flashing. Sometimes people call it "Muse’s visiting," or "inspiration." Whatever it is called, it is something very specific, and very appealing, at least to me! I want to acknowledge that all the flashings might be our own living experiences, but just have been forgotten, or something that we just encountered would trigger an unsolved question in our past, and we can now solve the unsolved problem right away. As long as we hold nothing to hide consciously, Creativity presents itself. It never ends, and exists in our memory subconsciously, or we can just catch it from the air in a critical moment.

Ultimately, I see the last thing I would like to address here–PATTERN. A pattern of something is able to connect something else seemed to be unrelated. That is also something that is able to form a topic. Until now, I’ve been through the steps of 2 to 7 for countless times. From the brainstorming, outlining, cutting, generating creativities, and I finally am able to edit them, or do the copy-and-paste.

Eventually, I could dig out nothing more while focusing on this issue. This reminds me my old experiences. I used to be over calm down to look for something else more when I experienced digging out, but I was not aware the existence of the already-did outline, and just to flourish it. During the editing process, I also noticed something else. I need to keep emptying myself so that I can feel if the readers could understand the writings or not. Because I am not only writing it for myself, I am sharing something that I have learned, and this is something not stated in any tutorial book.

This is the end for today. Now I just wondered how many wise experiences have been recorded in an old Chinese book in the Ming dynasty–「日知錄」, or “A Record of the Daily Knows,” written by Ku, Yen-Wu…¶


Thursday, December 30, 2004


English→Free from "Struggling," Part III





1. 忙與盲:記得很久以前張艾嘉曾經唱過的這首歌「忙與盲」,唸起來有些韻律,而那種忙碌又迷茫的感覺,在我們日常生活中一定都有過這種經驗。所以在此也就不再贅述。

2. 生與死:如果當自己知道即將離開這個世界,那想說的遺言會是什麼?當我方才在經歷這個階段的時候,也察覺到其實長久以來就一直想跟大家一起分享屬於我的「忙與盲」心得。

3. 遺物:這世間總是有太多人想從這個世界多得到些什麼,卻只有較少數的人,真正地想過該遺留些什麼給我們的後代子孫。

4. 沒有存積,就不後悔:當沒有任何遺言、或遺物存積在心裡時,也就會感覺到今生無悔。

5. 什麼是「結果」:「結果」在此代表兩層意義,一個是終結忐忑的心;另外一個是去完成工作。完成什麼工作呢?這讓我想起過去我的同事曾經問過我的一個問題,「你怎麼知道你把一件作品完成了?」在那個時候,我一直難以回答她的問題,而我一直到今天剛剛才找到這個答案!

6. 感覺「掏空」:這部份可以呼應第四個段落的「沒有存積,就不後悔」。其實,我剛剛也往返在第四到第六個過程中,直到我把一到七的大綱釐清出來。

7. 蝴蝶:先讓我們看看蝴蝶的DNA是怎麼一回事兒。它的DNA記錄著如何從一個受精卵成長為一隻毛毛蟲,然後最後才又蛻變成一隻蝴蝶。如果我們檢視自己的創作DNA,當我們感覺到想表達的、想完成的都已經去做了的時候,那個新生生命也就完成了!

這又是今晚的一個巧合!我才在幾個小時前,看完一部法國電影DVD "Le Papillon",中文翻譯做「蝴蝶」。這讓我感覺到那就是個結尾,那就是那種「結束」的感覺。而今天這篇文章的DNA,也彷彿在冥冥中安排著如何經由自己去將它呈現出來!(或這也不是巧合,而是因為想到今晚剛剛看的電影後,乘著「蝴蝶」如何生成的隱喻,藉此也來表達這個過程的結尾。)

就在這整個過程後,我感覺到忐忑的自己才降落在地上,而所完成的工作也在最後全然地攤在意識的表面。這也像著生命一般,真正美麗精彩的是那個過程,不是那個終點,而剛剛上面所描述的一切,也已經儼然成為今日的這篇文章! ¶



Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Free from "Struggling", Part III

What a busy day today!

Today is getting to the end. I was just wondering what to write tonight. I checked my memories for what I have done today, and searching for something that is worth to share. I thought there was nothing special in the past twenty-one hours of the day.

As usual, I tried to meditate a while and look into myself. I felt that there was no big noisy thread today, but just a little bit of anxiety. I was not aware what bothers me couple minutes ago. At all of the sudden, something started floating to the surface. I noticed that there is a good match to share my feeling today. "What?" "You don’t know what the good match is?" Well, just keep your reading. You should be able to see it!

How did I dig the anxiety? Do you still remember the “Distress is wisdom” in the previous article? It’s very interesting. I just realized the whole thing of identifying and removing the anxiety to be a sequential process:

1. Busy and blind–There was a popular Chinese song 「忙與盲」sang by Sylvia Chang long time ago. 「忙」means “busy,” while 「盲」equals to “blind.” In Chinese, they share the same pronunciation, which makes reading the title of the song a little rhythm feeling. I believe we all share the same feeling of busy and blindness in our daily life. There is nothing more to address here.

2. Life and death–If I know that I am going to leave this world very soon, what is the envoi of mine? When I was in this stage, I noticed that I would really like to talk about “busy and blind” for a long time.

3. Legacy–Too many people are trying to get something from this world ALWAYS, while fewer people are really thinking what to bequeath to posterity.

4. No hoard, no regret–When there is no hoard of envoi or legacy to leave behind, there will be no regret to leave this world.

5. What is “the End”–“The End” here means both the end of the anxiety, as well as the completion of the work. This also reminds me something I was asked by a colleague, “How can you tell you have finished your creation?” I did not know how to answer her question at that time, but now I just found it today!

6. Sense the emptiness-This recalls the “No hoard, no regret” section. Actually, I repeated the stage 4 to 6 a couple times, and then I outlined the stage 1 to 7 finally.

7. The butterfly–Let’s examine the DNA of a butterfly. Its DNA records how a zygote can grow to a worm, and finally turn into a butterfly. If we examine the DNA of our own, when we leave no hoard of our DNA instructions unfinished, the life is complete!

What a good coincidence of tonight! I accidentally watched a French DVD movie “Le Papillon” hours ago. Le papillon is the butterfly if you do not know the French. I sensed the sign of the ending; it’s the feeling of the “FIN.” The DNA of today’s creation has arranged itself transparently!

After all, I felt that I have landed on the ground, and the finished work eventually exposed to the surface. Just like how life is, the beautiful thing is about its flow, but not it’s ending. And the completed work now is already presented as the above!¶

Post Script: Have you found the good match previously mentioned? The busy and blind feeling has opened the door, as of my struggle today!


Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Free from "Struggling," Part I


It must be a good start if one is really committed to do something from its beginning to the end no matter what; however, to keep on track and being unstoppable till completion is another issue. Yet, it is always true when we experience a problem first so that we have the change to solve the problem! If we do not start to do something, we will not encounter any obstacles, and then that is truly miserable. To retrospect these couple days, I felt an inner peaceful joy and steadiness after I started to work on this site, and I did not sense any darkness, horror, or fear; nonetheless, a deep-inside struggle underneath has been hiding and fermenting…

The struggle yesterday has gone like smoke. How did I get rid of it? Please be patient and listen to me. There was one thing bothering me that is to complete an article in both Chinese and English on the same day as my wish. I acknowledged that it is not allowed in the reality that I do not have so much free time to spare. To finish them together on the same day is not easy to accomplish. I was not aware its existence which stopping me to go forward like a reef in the ocean. Hesitation came up from my mind, and the progress was naturally hoarded. I was hesitating and thinking when to write the mirrored English translations? Let’s say, if it is OK to write them some other days, while to find an alternative time to write, the scheduled daily progress might possibly be delayed. When the mirrored translations are not completed, the inner contradiction will grow automatically. Since the contradiction grew inside, the struggle is followed afterwards. Could I finish both together, how shall I make this wish come true? “Distress is wisdom,” says the Buddhism idiom nicely. To explain it in plain English, it can be known as, “The answer of a question is usually sitting inside this question.” Things are turned out to be so struggling that is actually a human nature instinct, and its intension is to alert one to enlighten oneself from that. Let’s say that I am encountering the hidden reef, how should I break the reef and remove the obstacles? Calm down a little bit, and look into the whole thing. If I still followed my current plan to work on this project, the reality is telling me the truth that these tasks are overdriving me. I really hope that I could finish them, but I am incapable of doing that. When my emotion gets interferences, struggle must raise within. I acknowledged the reality, asked myself to work first in Chinese, my native language, and then the speed of writing must be faster. Why shouldn’t I drop in to do this? I’ll just leave the work of translation to its following day, and my wish may come true, while the progress could just be late for one day; thus, there is no hoard. When the cause of struggling is erased, this inner weed of struggle is also removed!

A peaceful mind is very critical. It helps one to filter out unnecessary thoughts.

While observing the whole process of removing struggle, I followed the smooth let-it-be philosophy as usual. For someone who has never sensed this logic, it gets very easy to only see the passive side of it, while lost the flip side of “taking it easy.” During this process, I learned to have the high-flyer land on the ground, and to accomplish my goal step-by-step; thus, I can see it clearly what my next move is…

If you ask me why I insist to write “a mirrored English,” I can write another article to explain it to you targeting to this topic. Well, let’s talk about it some other day!

Post Script:
The experience today is really fabulous. You can see the completed work alternating between modern plain text and classical four-character term (editorial note: in Chinese version only.) Until today, I experienced the ease of writing in the compact form of classical Chinese for the first time in my life. I was trying to write that paragraph in plain text at the beginning. While reading and editing the text back and forth, I discovered that the threads in my mind are countless. I kept changing the sentences, while I couldn’t finish this article consistently. Suddenly, a flash enlightened me, “Why am I not using the compact classical Chinese to write!” I took my action, while focusing on editing the text aequo animo, and tried my best to make the article expressing my mind, but not to contain too much redundant messages. Therefore, I would not fail myself before I finish the work. These are my discoveries and feelings today. What do you think?¶


Monday, December 27, 2004

The Truth about Love


No matter whether it is the Chinese character 「愛」 which combines 「受」(receive), with「心」(heart), and「友」(friend), or the English word spelled "L.O.V.E.", or any translation of this word from different cultures, the world is overflowing with the use of these symbols.

Digging into its original meaning, and referring to Dr. Emoto's research, what is "love" exactly? When one compares the vibration frequency emitted from these symbols to every action that one takes, every word one speaks, and even every thought in one's mind, what is the result?

That kind of thinking, speaking and being must be able to resonate with these symbols. It is a natural expression beyond subjectivity or objectivity. It is beyond one's likes or dislikes, and is not an exchange like doing business. When "love" is the motivating force behind interacting with people, then it is easy enough to dissolve all kinds of conflicts and contradictions, without pressuring others too much in the name of love, or bringing fear to others by giving love. Moreover, when one loses one’s best love, while being the source of love (every living creature is a product of the love of their parents), one does not regret what one has given.

May "love" return to its former frequency prior to the existence of languages…

May sense and sensibility be united and return to its glowing natural character…

May oneself be able to love…

May love treasure the beloved and leave no regret in its path…

May everyone be nourished and healed by love…

May each one "receive" the "heart" of others and become "friends"…

May everything be able to realize its perfection! ¶



English→The Truth about Love











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Sunday, December 26, 2004

From Zero to Infinity; 0=1=∞, Part I

What a title with mathematical expression this is! Although we are not going to totally talking about math here at all, if you have taken the calculus in the college, you should familiar with the meaning of “x=0 →∞.” If you have never seen this, that’s all right. I’ll translate it for you now in a plain text form. It could be something like “Let’s talk about ‘everything’.” Ironically, I feel ‘everything’ might not be able to express what I mean here enough, so I played a little guessing game here. Besides, the whole expression potentially speaks something underneath itself, while to catch your attention in the title as well. Yet, if we are really talking about everything here, this article will be going very wild, while something I am going to talk here now is very specific!

I. The definition:
Zero: In mathematics, it represents “nothingness.” While in my terminology here, I would define it as “a state of emptiness.”

Infinity: In mathematics, it represents a number that is countless. While in my terminology here, I would just define it as the way it is.

II. The application:
From zero to infinity, not only it is counting everything, but also it implies a sense of creation, a process of creating from nothing (zero) to something (at least one), while make it everlasting (infinity).

III. Oneness–the simplicity of One Truth:
We all live in the same ONE world now in the 21st Century. At the modern time, knowledge has been divided into many different domains, and its quantity is still increasing by the human being’s creation. (I state this here to recall the feature article “Rambling about *Eternity.*) Will it turn into infinity? Definitely for sure, it already is. Then, how are we going to survive from the tons of knowledge? There is one pattern of the Truth I believe. I have seen that people applies mathematics in the profession, such as finance, physics, or nutrition. Or people use physics in daily our lives, such as to rescue a car hanging on a curb, or to play golf or billiard ball. The important thing is that we are just simply living in our live, but not living in the knowledge. All the knowledge came from one source–the human living experience.

IV. Emptiness versus Humbleness:
When one empties one’s heart to other things, things are possibility to fill in, whereas an empty cup is able to fill anything inside. If one holds one’s professional dogma on something else, it is very easily to get lost in other domains, since the Universe is so wild, abundant, or sometimes even mysterious. That was my personal experience. I used to be so arrogance, before I met my mentor Mr. T.C. Wu, and how he applied his experiences on natural therapy so that I had a chance to study more about the way the human body works.

To be continued…