【Creativity Zen Espresso | 創意心法】

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The NaviMap/導覽

I just had an insight about blogging on blogger.com today. I was amazed by myself that I have started the blog for one month until today. So far, I enjoy using blogger.com to share myself, but I am also aware that for months later, if new visitors come to the site, they will get lost in the posts, but not able to see an outline of this site. I decided to launch another blog, NaviMap, to keep track and construct an outline of the current blog site, Creativity Zen Espresso.¶

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Monday, January 10, 2005


English→Behind the scenes "Merry X'mas 2004"

•硬體:蘋果電腦iMac G4/1.25GHz, 20吋螢幕機種;JVC GR-DX300U DV數位攝影機附屬數位相機功能。
•軟體:蘋果iPhoto;奧多比Photoshop CS

0. 攝影物:聖誕紅(耶誕節主題)。

1. 將照片檔案輸入到iPhoto。

2. 在Photoshop裡,新增一個文件,將長寬設定為iCard適用標準尺寸416 x 312像素,RGB色彩模式。

3. 打開背景圖片(中距離拍攝),重新調整尺寸至與新增文件相當之適當大小,再拖放至新增文件中。將不透明度設定至15%。

4. 打開主要物件圖片(近拍特寫),使用魔術棒工具選擇並清除其背景,再拖放到新增文件中,將其位置調整到畫面左方的位置(我們的眼睛習於從左往右看),將此圖旋轉180度,然後將步驟3的圖片做水平翻轉(讓兩朵聖誕紅能夠較容易被識別看見)。

5. 打開裝飾物件圖片(由下方向上拍),裁切左方較容易識別的那一株,調整其尺寸,再將之拖放到新增之文件中。

6. 複製裝飾物件圖層,如果需要的話旋轉該圖層至適當之角度,直到新增文件之四邊皆以填滿形成一個外框,最後將這些圖層套上陰影效果,以增添視覺上的深度。

7. 複製主要物件圖層,使用貝式曲線畫筆工具勾勒出紅色葉子的輪廓,然後選擇該輪廓所涵蓋的範圍,逆向選擇之原未選擇之區域,並清除該選擇區域內之部份。在紅葉的部份套上陰影效果,確認該圖層是在裝飾物件圖層之上層避免被覆蓋住。重複同樣的動作在圖片下方的兩片紅葉上。

8. 使用打字工具輸入文字,同時改變其顏色使之能富有變化,適切地調整文字編排構圖位置。

9. 以上步驟為製作卡片圖像之程序,之後,我把這個圖片上傳到iDisk(蘋果電腦所推出的.mac網路服務)的圖片檔案夾中,之後,打開網頁瀏覽程式到.mac的iCard頁面,依照螢幕的指示,便可以把剛剛製作的圖片再製作成電子賀卡,便能分送給朋友們。¶


Sunday, January 09, 2005

A Calling from Yesterday

A non-sense rhythm calling in my brain,
I don’t know what the message is behind?
The answer has long been waiting in my mind.
Just give it a try and listen to my heart.
I doubt whether a shock it’s from a friend far aside,
As if the poetic lingual were my dancing guide.
Though the classical poesy I also like,
Switching to plain text wit is another taste.
Far in the future, I wonder this kind of mood still exists.
Have the sleeping past to be awakened.
When yesterday and now are no different from the days next,
If innovations like a butterfly stops looking to a worm,
I’ve also seen again that tons of worms will fly between flowers.
In the cycling pendulum, I suddenly glanced peace.
May the fuss dusts in the world ground in the destined…¶
