【Creativity Zen Espresso | 創意心法】

Saturday, December 25, 2004


English→Free from "Struggling," Part II








Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas 2004 | 耶誕快樂2004

Merry Christ 2004

今天我拍下了這些聖誕紅的照片,然後把它製作成卡片;改天再告訴您整個幕後製作過程。如果您有興趣想要一探究竟,歡迎您改天再光顧小鋪,也祝福您佳節快樂!/I shot the poinsettia today and made this card. I will demonstrate how it was made later on. If you are interested the process of creation, please stay tuned, and wish you good for the holidays!¶

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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Free from "Struggling," Part II


When we get used to something and something becomes our habit. As the Free from "Struggling," Part I I wrote, I just learned to acquire a new good habit, and the habit will just make things right! Thus, I tried to catch up the translation works and finish all of them before I forward my topics further.

Today, I felt that I am not in the mood of working on the translations, and I noticed that there are many voices, feelings, and noises in my mind. While I was committed to myself to finish the work of translation, I experienced another inner struggling of hesitating on to write a new topic or to do the translation. In order to help myself calm down a little bit, I went to my shower, and it works to me all the time. During the short break time of relaxing, my topic of today finally gets clear…

First of all, by looking into my ultimate goal for producing this web site, I realized that as long as I keep on track without stopping, I would always be able to finish all the translations eventually.

Secondly, I changed to write first in English today because I felt when I was doing the translation, I lost the emotion and mood of writing. It takes sometime for me to return to the mood when I was writing its original. Ironically, why I changed to write in English first, it is because of the same thing in previous 'Free from "Struggling," Part I.' It's the same voice told me–since my native language is Chinese, I'll write Chinese easier and faster. Yet, there is a little difference that I'll translate into Chinese faster. During the whole struggling process, I learneded that I need not think too much on whatever, but just do it and try it to see the result, and then things will turn out to be the way it is, the way it supposed to be!

On the third, I was aware that there is a fear behind writing a new topic. My old failing experience of no creative idea would come back to me and strike on me. Therefore, I lost myself in the past experiences, and forgot to live myself in the present time. However, the truth is now I have many voices, feelings, and noises in my head. I just need take out the noises, and the voices and feelings left are the real something today to record them down!

Moreover, there is another fear need to be dug out, that is a fear of afraid of people not enjoy my article. While the reality is, as long as I write down something, which is useful and helpful to the people, I write them down for “sharing” myself, but not for “enjoying” myself; and then things will turn out to be very different! To explain this further in a scientific term, why will the people enjoy of reading? The answer is quite simple. If I am able to send out a signal of a specific frequency to make the reader resonate with our works; that is, if we can speak out the voice of the reader’s heart, they will be enjoying the readings! So, just get relaxed, and keep the brain at the α wave frequency. The rest of things are just to take it easy…¶


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Rambling about *Eternity*


Everyone should have the experience of cleaning up your place, especially when there is a career move. Whenever cleaning the old stuffs, I noticed that my mood has just taken a sauna bath. My thought always jumping between different stages of returning to the past, examining the present, and looking into the future. While cleaning up the room physically, I also wipe out the dusts of my mind, and later on, I can identify the “nothing” that I shall throw away, and the really “something” that I shall treasure more…

Today, I felt unwanted to spend any pennies on a new folder, so I found an old one filled with aged files. Inside this folder, except an antique software manual that could be trashed, I accidentally recovered some documents about the same generation. One of them without the numbers of its pages, it was not easy to reorganize them in the right sequence. I sensed it to be a printed document downloaded from the web. At a very tiny moment, a flash light hit me, “Why don't I log on to the google and find it out!?” I took the action right away.

The paragraph titles inside this article repeated NetInfo for many times. I thought that it was written in the Mac OS X previewing period. Turn back to the “flash light” I mentioned earlier; there was a part two about it, I think it is something worth of sharing: When I examined my habit of using google, mostly I only input the key words to google, and then scan through the respond result while digging into and filtering out the information I really want. Almost as soon as the flashing googling moment, I was thinking if I only type in NetInfo to be the key of searching, I might still receive a goooooooooogle result. The discovered items equal to zero. At that nano second, while my eyes was staring at a literary paragraph title, “NetInfo: All-Singing, All-Dancing System Management.” “Why don’t I just pump in the whole sentence in the google search bar of Safari?” (Please don’t forget the quotation marks to quote the whole sentence if you want to try it yourself!)

“Bingo!” That’s right. It’s this article from Daemon News! I shall raise my thumb and praise google’s incredible searching power!

After the whole google searching experience, I calmed down myself today, and read carefully through the company’s overview and the basics of google search for the first time, although I’ve skimmed over it a couple times. While I read the company’s ambition over the Internet business and its mission, I was touched peacefully. Why did I get touched? Since the Internet business blooming in the middle of the 1990s, the virtual cyber space has been taking over the traditional media, and has the knowledge transmission become easier then ever. However, it also brought us to face the Big Bang of knowledge exploding pressure, while we are enjoying all the material abundance and the convenience of technologies, especially for those of lucky us who live in the developing or developed countries in today's term. Go back our topic to google again, according to its web site official, this word google came from the math terminology “googol,” and its meaning is the unimaginable number of 10 to 100th power, which also symbolizes google’s passion on conquering the tremendous amount of data shuttling on the information high way!

I have been seeking for an ultimate Truth, from moment to moment, for such a long period of time, during my living days of twelve thousand something. After reading hundreds of books, seeing and believing in thousand miles of voyages, in some manner, to get along with the knowledge-exploding era, I wish I could filter and extract out all the essence of knowledge (feeling like a dumb in a way), and dump out tons of short-lasting gunk knowledge produced by the mankind during the small piece of time comparing with the age of the universe, and to be able to glimpse all knowledge at once, in a glance of the simple Ones; And, that distillation of the human living experiences is about to be the shining thesis of today, the *Eternity!* Be the Shruti never grow old; Be the Smriti from time to time ∞

In the latter-day East, there has been a “Si-Ku-Quan-Shu, a complete book of the four thesauruses” during the Chinese Qing Dynasty commanded by the Qien-Long Emperor to be edited by scholars; While in the West about five to six hundreds ago, the Renaissance man Leonardo da Vinci’s manual scripts illustrated and noted an avant-garde rhapsody during the knowledge desert age; thus, it inspires the modern Western civilization in many fields! In the recent years, the software billionaire Bill Gates won a fraction of da Vinci’s scripts in an auction; thereafter, the “Encarta” E-encyclopedia of which makes Gates proud has been released to the publics.

Looking far from yesterday while introspecting about today, shall we figure out what to bequeath our descendant tomorrow?¶


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

From 2D to 3D


Prologue: This article is written for those who are not profession in design or art, but they are interested to learn more about design, as well as to gain more knowledge about art appreciation. If you are an expert in these fields, you can skip this article, or if you would like to join me, discuss about it, or have additional comments, you are very welcome!

Feature text: This is quite a fundamental topic. I believe that most people have experienced something that I am going to express here, but just did not pay attention on how it worked and its rules. This also recalls what I have mentioned yesterday in the “Preface” about–graphic design is focusing and researching on those visual elements which an ordinary people will not aware its existence.

In the Western art history, we can see those pre-historical drawings in caves, or the old Egyptian paintings and ancient Greek vase drawings recorded in the early human history. These are all two-dimensional graphic arts. Until some unknown (please pardon me that this will need to dig into a deeper research), light and shadow started to appear on paintings. In the ancient Roman paintings, we can see the light and shadow technique has been developed. During the Renaissance time, from the popular Leonardo da Vinci’s works are painted with multi-points perspective, accurate proportion on human, scenes, and objects, as well as depicting the light and shadow. Those techniques have made the art works look alive, and pushed the realistic paintings to an ever-had historical peak.

The above is a simple description on the three-dimensional composition for art. To apply these rules on graphic design, I think that we can apply the same logic on the page layout design and arrangement of objects. Add light and shadow effect, and overlap objects with appropriate proportion to create a visual depth-of-field vision. From 2D to 3D, it exceeds the two-dimensional boundaries for graphic design by adding an untouchable depth of the third dimension!¶


Monday, December 20, 2004



I studied Business in Taiwan before I went to the U.S. and majored in “Computer Science” in the first semester. Although I still love computer so much back to then; however, the foundation courses, such as Calculus, Advanced Algebra, and Physics, had make me feel boring while I can still work them out. I thought my art classes were fine since my elementary school time; therefore, I switched my major without fear to the new founded “Graphic Design” department at the University.

I finally understood the teaching of Ms. Gwen Amos, my graphic design instructor who inspired me with her “design principle fundamental,” after the first semester had finished. For God’s sake, there has always been something that can only be realized but cannot be mentioned. That thing can only be realized is the pains of doing graphic design. While not discussing about its methodologies and technical sides of creation, the challenge of graphic design is to dig into the “VISUAL ELEMENTS” which most people do not see, to focus on the “MESSAGE” behind the piece of work; nonetheless, even to demonstrate the hard-explained invisible “SPIRIT” beyond what the “MESSAGE” can express, and to stick on one’s own discipline on the “ORIGINALITY” of an artwork during the creating process.

After the baptism of Gwen’s “design principle fundamental,” those teachings have become the essential elements of my creation; however, it’s also become an abyss which I fall into, a deep thinking process. While focusing myself on those “MESSAGE,” “SPIRIT,” and “ORIGINALITY” too much, I did not want to look into those works without enough depth of connotation that I think they are. Thereafter, I had lost myself in the kingdom of my own high standard, but forgot the great saying by Confucius who said that thousand years ago, “When three people walk together, they are all my teachers. Look at the goodness and learn from that; take the weakness out and change from that.”

Until now, I also want to acknowledge another teacher who gave me a new life, Mr. T.C. Wu. Wu is a special person. He is a person I knew, “a teacher of virtue” who focuses on his own well being greater then preaching, but not “a teacher of books” who only passes the knowledge to the students. While taking a deep look on his soul, I conform the extra-ordinary experiences that he has been through, and witness his abundant immanence beside his virtue. Moreover, I admire his wisdom crossing the Eastern and the Western cultures, and his broad-while-focused profession integrated different domains. He can finally establish his own doctrine of “Applications on Space and Potential Energy,” building on top of his twenty-years accumulated hard-working experiences. I met him at the most blanked and conceited moment in my life, while he gradually melted my arrogance in transparent when I was not aware. He has guided me to arrange more spaces for improvements, has taught me not to confused by the narrow-minded knowledge, as well as helps me to step into a higher level of practicing. Under his osmosis and hardness-simplified teaching, I could deeply know more about myself, see the weakness of myself, remind myself, and lift myself. Until some day unremembered, I could clearly aware what my big problem is…

Bingo! I finally realized that things couldn’t be over done. While extremely focusing on the “MESSAGE”, “SPIRIT,” and “ORIGINALITY” behind the creations, I bounded my hands and legs without awareness, and forgot to let myself “just do it!” Wow! I could ultimately enlighten myself with the help of Mr. Wu’s teaching as the followings. ”How one could light up a creation consistently is derived from accumulating the “light bulbs” of each flashing moment, and really taking an action to fulfill every light flashing. Learn from the mistakes during the actions, and collect its positive lessons ceaselessly so that, in the future of an unsure quantity of time, one is able to eventually and naturally become a master whose creations expressing the “less is more” philosophy are appreciated by the people, no matter they are outsiders or Pros. Furthermore, One might have KNOWN about the above for sure, but one might hardly to BE that for unsure."

“Creativity Zen Espresso”– not only an “design principle fundamental” from my old class notes, it is a multidimensional cyber space combining different aspects such as, computing, humanity, pop science, music, art, philosophy, and mind-and-spirit. Drop in anytime! We are here 7-11 online starting from the middle of December 2004. You are very welcome to drop in, and have a cup of the concentrated awaking drink, made with the extraction of heart and sane: ) ¶

Post Script:
I wish the creations of this web site, to give them to my parents who gave me life and lifted me up, to all of my inspiring teachers–Mr. James Yang who taught me MIDI, MS. Gwen Amos who taught me Graphic Design, and Mr. T.C. Wu who taught me his wisdom of Applications on Space and Potential Energy, and to every friends who love me, encourage me, grew up with me, as well as to my wife Faye who is now living and being together with me.


Sunday, December 19, 2004



昨日掙扎 如今成煙 如何掙脫 且待訴來 掙扎其一 惟吾心願
對照中英 完於同時 認知現實 當日並書 實行不易 礙我如礁
猶豫心生 進度自囤 豫何時書 他日何妨 既待他日 進度受羈
對照中英 未能同成 矛盾自起 矛盾既生 掙扎自起 一兼兩顧
心願何成 佛家有言 煩如菩提 菩提即惱 白話解之 問自解答
事之有掙 實為本能 其用在警 警醒覺悟 且就此礁 破礁除障
靜觀此事 倘依原方 超出所限 其心有餘 其力不足 情緒自擾
掙扎必生 認清現實 中文母語 書寫速快 譯中成英 順挪隔日
心願即成 絕無囤積 因除果消 掙扎除矣





