【Creativity Zen Espresso | 創意心法】

Friday, September 09, 2005



不諱言地說,我個人是在留美求學期間,經驗了美國的某教育機構所開設的個人成長課程後,啟動了我開始以自我觀照和親身實證的行事作風,學習如何建立起獨立的思考判斷的同時,儘量不流於過度的主觀。我依舊還記得在該課程裡,時時會聽到的一句銘言:「You don't listen. You never listen. You never will.」翻譯做中文,全然地說來,就是我們從不張開內心的耳朵去傾聽外在的世界。腦袋瓜裡裝的是自己的想像,與外在實體世界的認知差距,需要用盡整個生命去撫觸和體認,才能夠儘可能地所小個人內在世界與實體外在世界間的距離。






Thursday, September 08, 2005












Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Simplicity Lesson One––Time Management

"輕.重.緩.急" the four characters form a Chinese phrase which is a very common expression1, but there are less people who can really "deeply" understand its meaning and practice it. Especially, as the modern people living in such a stressful society, many people are pushed by things, but rather than people are conducting things.

The human beings are the kind of creature living in Time. It takes time to accomplish a mission, or to produce something. Use your time wisely. At the right time, do the right thing, and eventually, things would not screw up so easily. When we spend too much time in hesitating and making decision, time are wasted in transparent. Things will turn out to be making no progress! Since I experienced something, for these four characters, I have realized how to practice it. I rearranged this phrase's order to be "急.重.緩.輕"

"急" means things in hurry and urgent. In a way, I acknowledge it as routines that we do not need so much effort and can finish it right away. (I used to think routines are not hurry.) For those high priority things, of course they fit in this category. While for routines, because they are repeating periodically, if we do not finish them immediately, they will accumulate, and we might spend the same amount of time or even longer to accomplish them.

"重" means important in Chinese. I acknowledge it as something takes longer time to be done, yet it needs to be finished as soon as possible. More often, it is usually an inevitable procedure within a project. No matter how much time, and how much effort it takes, it is a critical must to be completed. When things like this are stalemated, except to insist on its completion, sometimes it's a good idea to step back and keep an eye on it. Have time to solve this problem for you, and we can arrange time to next important thing.

"緩" means things are not so hurry, but also less important. Indeed, they could be the affairs to step back and watch as mentioned in the previous paragraph. As time goes by, situation will change. This best solution for this sort of things are keep waiting! Lots of time, some things seem to be urgent in their appearance; however, when it is technically unable to accomplish after all, we can only use alternative solutions to solve the problem in a temporary aspect as in a way things appear to be urgent. For example, before the electronic microscope was being invented, some contagious disease virus such as yellow fever was not able to be observed with optical microscope.
Mr. Hideyo Noguchi (the discoverer of venin and syphilis treatments) mistakenly recognized Weils
disease spirochaete as the yellow fever virus. Noguchi died in yellow fever finally, while the electronic microscope was invented four years after his death (in 1932).

About "輕" I need to address more on this. What things should fit in this category as we live in the modern busy society? In Chinese it can be translated as less important relatively, even it can be done after "緩" and need not to worry too much. However, in a certain aspect, "輕" may be implied as a kind of future goals or ultimate purposes. Yet, people usually THINK the troublesome routines as unimportant things and ignore them, finally the accumulated small things would turn out to be something urgent.

In conclusion, the mentioned points above are a general sorting priority idea. As time changes, things will also usually change to a higher execution priority order, and we will see the unsorted, complicated, and stressful things have changed to a simple liner sequence. Actually, the multitask design in computer operating system is also applying this logic. When all sorts of different tasks are well managed, the CPU is able to process many things together in a certain period of time. For example, we can command computers to download file in web browser and play CD music in background, at the same time, we can type report with a word processor program in the foreground.

As I used to be aiming to high, and now realized the kind of mistakes I made in the past, smoothly I tried to alter this sort of bad habit. Although my intention was to be doing good, the final situation turned out to be a mass, and this has make me feel so much pressure, busy, and powerless. I learned to tell myself to work with a calm and clear brain with a simple heart. Things are not only finished smoothly, stresses are but also disappeared!¶

1. The four character phrase is a common expression in Chinese. Most people acknowledge it as an idea to manage time. I knew about it, but I did not know how to do it.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Apple Pixar Mania

Apple Pixar Mania Cover-FrenchThis book reveals the growing background of Steve Jobs behind his bold living style. We learned how he was influence by his foster parents, his teacher, and his friends when he was a young kid. His foster father taught him to dissemble and assemble many things so that he understand how things work. The formal school education was a nightmare to him, while he was so lucky to meet a precious teacher who helped him to get away from making troubles, and even to skip a grade. His H.P. engineer neighbor is also praiseworthy who taught him how most electronic products were designed.

At his older age, Steve was fascinating on the Indian Buddhism. He even traveled India to experience and practice the Buddha's teaching. After he returned to the U.S. from India, he concludes that science and new technologies would be the major key to improve human's living. It is not enough to only count on religions. Even so, this special growing experiences might be possible to form his hippy style.

Graphical user interface, object-oriented language, and networking, these three technologies he learned during his visit at PARC. He dug into the research and development afterwards. That was also something helped him to build up the first web site ever on a NeXT computer, the second computer company Steve founded after Apple.

As regards of Pixar, the third company he found, Steve mentioned the critical major three points to make Pixar so successful. The first is creativity. The next is technology, and finally the third is creativity plus technology. To achieve such kind of competition gap, they have spent ten years.

Until now, Apple's Mac OS X, iPod, and iTunes Music Store are still very hot on the market. While looking backwards, that was not an easy path for him. He had encountered so many obstacles during the developing process; however, that was also an inevitable process to walk on the creative path. The path to success is about accumulating the positive experiences consistently. We can learn this lesson from Steve's stories.¶

Book Information
Full Title: Apple Pixar Mania: iPod-iTunes-Nemo-The Incredibles - 20 ans du Mac... I'anne Steve Jobs
Author: Cryil Fievet
Language: French
ISBN: 2708131052
Publisher: 2004 Editions d'Organisation
