【Creativity Zen Espresso | 創意心法】

Monday, December 27, 2004

The Truth about Love


No matter whether it is the Chinese character 「愛」 which combines 「受」(receive), with「心」(heart), and「友」(friend), or the English word spelled "L.O.V.E.", or any translation of this word from different cultures, the world is overflowing with the use of these symbols.

Digging into its original meaning, and referring to Dr. Emoto's research, what is "love" exactly? When one compares the vibration frequency emitted from these symbols to every action that one takes, every word one speaks, and even every thought in one's mind, what is the result?

That kind of thinking, speaking and being must be able to resonate with these symbols. It is a natural expression beyond subjectivity or objectivity. It is beyond one's likes or dislikes, and is not an exchange like doing business. When "love" is the motivating force behind interacting with people, then it is easy enough to dissolve all kinds of conflicts and contradictions, without pressuring others too much in the name of love, or bringing fear to others by giving love. Moreover, when one loses one’s best love, while being the source of love (every living creature is a product of the love of their parents), one does not regret what one has given.

May "love" return to its former frequency prior to the existence of languages…

May sense and sensibility be united and return to its glowing natural character…

May oneself be able to love…

May love treasure the beloved and leave no regret in its path…

May everyone be nourished and healed by love…

May each one "receive" the "heart" of others and become "friends"…

May everything be able to realize its perfection! ¶



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