【Creativity Zen Espresso | 創意心法】

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wi-Fi vs DHCP

I usually assign IP on my wireless network. The other day, I changed my Airport Express base station IP setting to DHCP; afterwards, I needed to take my Titanium Powerbook G4 to downstair another day. I found the Wi-Fi signal very unstable. It used to be working nicely. Soon, I remembered that I changed the IP setting. Therefore, I switched back to fixed IP address on my Powerbook. "Bingo!" The Wi-Fi signal has become stable again!

Conclusion: if the wireless network signal is unstable, try to use the fixed IP instead.¶

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通常我習慣以指定 IP 的方式來設定無線網路。前幾天,因故打開了Airport Express基地台 DHCP 的設定;數日後,我需要把我的G4鈦書拿到樓下使用,結果卻發現Wi-Fi的訊號非常不穩定。以前不曾這樣子過,很快地,我就想起稍早曾改過 IP 的設定,因此,我重新再調整鈦書的 IP 為固定 IP,「賓果!」這下子無線網路的訊號又恢復正常了!

結論:如果無線網路的訊號不穩定,試著改以固定 IP 的方式來連接基地台。¶

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